Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee?

If you’re not completely happy with your service, we will work with you to make sure you are satisfied.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, Zelle, Cash App, Apple Pay, PayPal.

What is your gratuity policy?

Gratuity is not required or expected, but always appreciated. If you do choose to tip the crew, cash is preferable, as it will be shared equally by your cleaning team. In addition, your cleaning team receives bonuses based on your feedback, so please call, email or leave a review.

Who provides the supplies?

The cleaners bring their own supplies. If there are supplies that you would prefer them to use, please let us know, and they can use any supplies you leave out for them.

Does my home need to be picked up before you come?

NO! Your cleaners can wash dishes, pick up clothes and organize things for you if you desire. However, please keep in mind these things factor in to the time spent in the home. If you want your cleaning crew to focus strictly on cleaning then we recommend you do some light organizing before we arrive. The cleaning professionals do offer laundry service as part of their weekly and biweekly service.

Do I have to be home for the cleaning?

No, just leave a key to the cleaners to gain entry and they will take it from there. You can leave a key under the mat, in the mailbox, at the front-desk; whatever is most convenient for you. You can specify this in the “Special Instructions” part of the booking form, or contact us directly to let us know.

For home alarm systems, while we prefer it to be turned off on cleaning day, you can show the service team how to operate if it is a simple system.